Monday, January 28, 2013

Innovations make valuable differences

Innovations can be found anywhere. At one point in time, an idea was formed to improve our daily lives. Eventually they become obsolete but the innovations push us forward in an always evolving state.

As a marketing student, I have been exposed to many advertising pieces attempting to catch a buyer's interest in innovative ideas, concepts and products. 
My favorite innovative concept I came upon was in this YouTube video: 
This YouTube viedo depicts how a simple innovative idea can create true value to a small town. 

As a student, I have started to use innovative ways in capturing course content:
- My class notes are highlighted in a specific way 
- I reference sample problems in notes 
- I always come prepared with chapter notes available to me

(iPhone screen shot of my personal course notes)

I believe my use of flash cards while studying for exams have also improved my studying methods. This innovative method to studying has made a valuable difference to me in the exam grades I receive. 

The limitation I find in applying innovation to my daily life is I believe we rely on others to be innovative for us. We live in a culture of constant communication and the internet is the hub for all our information.
What motivates us to create new innovative methods when a "how-to" can be easily found on YouTube? 
Does this easy way to share information hinder our ability as a society and individual to think creatively on our own? 

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