Sunday, January 27, 2013

Creativity will improve your workplace

This first principle sets the tone of the importance of creativity in our daily lives.
I believe whether we acknowledge it or not, we tend to customize our workplace to our standards and thus, creativity flourishes.

I, myself agree with the concept discussed in the chapter that I best thrive in workplaces in which I can be creative. I had the best experience in my past part-time position at a small Canadian-owned retail location, Spareparts. Because the company was so small, there was no rigid rules in place for marketing displays. As a result, management relied on the associates to build mini accessory displays and this boosted creativity and excitement for product. A positive result of this, was that each associate was able to share his/her view of a specific product and share this with customers how it can be worn in different styles. Ultimately, this positively affected the company's profit because it did not limit the products being sold to only one type of customer style.

My experience with Spareparts remains valuable to me as it has shown the positive results of a creative workplace! I stayed with the company for over 2 years and am confident that management and the owner created a fun and exciting environment to work in.

For an individual who may not see the value creativity adds to a workplace, I have one piece of advice:
Keep searching for a company that values your opinion enough to incorporate it into their business. 
It will be worth the search! 

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